Sujit Dey is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, where he heads the Mobile Systems Design Laboratory, which is developing innovative technologies in mobile cloud computing, adaptive multimedia and networking, green computing and communications, and predictive and prescriptive analytics to enable future applications in connected health, immersive multimedia, smart cities, and smart factories. He is the Director of the Center for Wireless Communications, and the Director of the Institute for the Global Entrepreneur at UCSD. Dr. Dey served as the Faculty Director of the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center from 2013-2015, and as the Chief Scientist, Mobile Networks, at Allot Communications from 2012-2013. He founded Ortiva Wireless in 2004, where he served as its founding CEO and later as CTO and Chief Technologist until its acquisition by Allot Communications in 2012. Prior to Ortiva, he served as the Chair of the Advisory Board of Zyray Wireless until its acquisition by Broadcom in 2004, and as an advisor to multiple companies including ST Microelectronics and NEC. Prior to joining UCSD in 1997, he was a Senior Research Staff Member at NEC C&C Research Laboratories in Princeton, NJ. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Duke University in 1991. Dr. Dey has co-authored more than 250 publications, and a book on low-power design. He holds 18 U.S. and 2 international patents, resulting in multiple technology licensing and commercialization. He has been a recipient of six IEEE/ACM Best Paper Awards, and has chaired multiple IEEE conferences and workshops. Dr. Dey is a Fellow of the IEEE. Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deysujit/